Fast : Compensation and Expiation, part 8

The Official Website of Grand Ayatollah Makarem Shirazi

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Fast : Compensation and Expiation, part 8
Fast : Compensation and Expiation, part 8

If one misses fast in Ramadan, they must make up for it before the Ramadan of the next year. And if one forgets that they have the qada of fast due on them until the Ramadan of next year, based on obligatory precaution, they must both perform the qadah of fast and give one mood of food to a needy person for each fast. In circumstances in which one does not perform the qada of fast until the following year with no legitimate excuse, both the qada and kaffārah of fast will be obligatory upon them. Even if one postpones performing the qada of fast to such an extent that time becomes short and they cannot observe fast owing to some excuses such as illness, both the qada and kaffārah of fast are due on them. However, if the shortness of time is not due to negligence but some excuse arise afterwards, one is not required to observe kaffārah and they should only make up for the missed fast. But if one misses a fast in Ramadan and is unable to fast until the following year due to some excuse such as illness, they are not required to make up for the fast missed in Ramadan of the previous year and they should only give one mood of food for each missed fast. If this illness lingers on for several years, once they recover from it and there is time left for making up the missed fast of Ramadan of the last year, then they must perform the qada of these missed fasts and also give one mod of food to the poor in proportion to each fast they have missed. But if one cannot make up for the qada of fasts of Ramadan due to some excuse such as travelling which has lasted from the Ramadan of this year until the Ramadan of the next year based on obligatory precaution, they must both perform the qada of missed fast and give one mood of food to a needy person. However, if one owes a qada fast and time for performing the qada is short, they cannot travel during that time since it is not possible to perform the qada fast while travelling and if one travels anyway, they commit a haram act and they must both make up for the missed qada fast and observe the kaffārah of delay. Married women are not required to obtain their husband's permission to perform the fasts of Ramadan or the qada fast for which no time is left. However, with respect to recommended fasts as well as qada fasts for which there is time to make up later, provided that the woman's fasting is in contradiction with her husband's right, she is not permitted to observe fasts without obtaining her husband's permission. However, in the event that she fasts without asking her husband's permission and her husband requests her to break her fast in the afternoon, she must refuse to do so. 

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